Shipping Time: Most non-sale orders will ship the next business day, provided the product ordered is in stock. Sale orders may be delayed up to 2 weeks, due to order volume. Orders are packed and shipped 6 days a week. Orders are not packed or shipped on holidays and/or Sundays.
We cannot guarantee when an order will arrive unless you choose USPS Express shipping which has a money back guarantee. Consider any shipping or transit time offered to you by this site or other parties only as an estimate. We encourage you to order in a timely fashion to avoid delays caused by shipping or product availability.
Because USPS shows outrageous shipping prices for International customers, International customers must email or message us to get a shipping quote. We can give you a general quote, or if you have a shopping cart saved, we can give you an exact quote. You will be manually invoiced through our web merchant account, QuickBooks, for shipping charges. We do NOT have free shipping on international orders. For international orders, please select, 'In store pick up' and you will then receive the shipping invoice.